Fish-Poison Bean is shrub, 1-3 m tall. Stems and
branches are covered in brown spreading hairs. Flowers are borne in
dense at branch-end heads, large, white, sometimes violet. Calyx is
densely brown or greyish hairy. Leaves are imparipinnate with 6-15
pairs of leaflets and a end leaflet. Rhachis and leaf-stalk covered in
dense spreading golden brown hairs. Leaflets are elliptic-oblong to
inverted-lanceshaped, up to 6 cm long, thinly appressed hairy above,
more densely so below; tip slightly with a short sharp point. Pods up
to 15 cm long, densely covered in pale brown hairs. It is often
cultivated for use as a fish poison. Fish-Poison Bean is native to
tropical Africa.
Identification credit: Aarti Khale
Photographed near Munnar, Kerala.
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